adjective present participle II class
View the declension of this word
1 present participe of [scio]
2 aware of a fact, cognizant
3 having full knowledge, with one's eyes wide open
4 (+ genitive) cognizant of, familiar with, expert in
5 (+ infinitive) knowing how to
adjective present participle II class
View the declension of this word
1 present participe of [scio]
2 aware of a fact, cognizant
3 having full knowledge, with one's eyes wide open
4 (+ genitive) cognizant of, familiar with, expert in
5 (+ infinitive) knowing how to
Locutions, idioms and examples
citharae sciens || armatae rei scientissimus et togatae || vadit animus in praeceps sciens || cecidi sciens, ut honestissime exsurgere possem
scĭens adj. pres. part. II cl.

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