masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 zoology scorpion
2 astronomy the constellation Scorpius
3 military scorpion, weapon jet used by the Romans to throw darts and stones
4 ichthyology redfish, sea fish with spines
5 botany scorpion, name of several plants
6 rod with spikes and nodes, used as an instrument of torture
masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 zoology scorpion
2 astronomy the constellation Scorpius
3 military scorpion, weapon jet used by the Romans to throw darts and stones
4 ichthyology redfish, sea fish with spines
5 botany scorpion, name of several plants
6 rod with spikes and nodes, used as an instrument of torture
Locutions, idioms and examples
brachia contrahit ardens Scorpius
scorpĭo masc. noun III decl.

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