Your search returned the following results:
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 otherwise
2 differently, in another way
3 contrary to what is right and expected
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 otherwise
2 differently, in another way
3 contrary to what is right and expected
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquid secus loquor de aliquo || aliter or secus ac or atque ut or quam or quam ut or quin or ab or et || secus existimo || aliquanto secus || nihilo secus || bellum secus cesserat || bene aut secus || sin aliter or minus, or secus || aliquid secus senatui de collega scribo || bene aut secus cedo || beate aut secus or beate misereve || ab his, non multo secus quam a poetis, haec eloquentia sevocanda est = this eloquence must be kept distinct from the style of these no lesser than that of poets || ceteras metus haud secus quam tempestas passim disiecit
sĕcŭs adv.

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