transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to sit, remain seated
2 (of magistrates, judges) to sit, preside, hold court, be a judge
3 (of an army) to remain encamped
4 to keep the field
5 to settle down to a blockade
6 to be idle, be inactive
7 (of clothes) to fit
8 (of buildings, towns) to be located
9 (of places) to be low-lying
10 to sink, settle
11 to be firm, be fixed, be established
12 to stick fast, be stuck
13 to be determined
transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to sit, remain seated
2 (of magistrates, judges) to sit, preside, hold court, be a judge
3 (of an army) to remain encamped
4 to keep the field
5 to settle down to a blockade
6 to be idle, be inactive
7 (of clothes) to fit
8 (of buildings, towns) to be located
9 (of places) to be low-lying
10 to sink, settle
11 to be firm, be fixed, be established
12 to stick fast, be stuck
13 to be determined
Locutions, idioms and examples
anguste sedeo || ad latus alicuius sedeo = to be seated on someone's side || aliquid quod in animo fideliter sedeat || campo Nola sedet || Aethiopes ultra sedent || vos in Gabinium iudices sedistis || animae quae per iuga longa sedebant || pessum abeo or eo, or sedeo || ab gubernacula rei publicae sedeo = to be at the helm of the state || cernis custodia qualis vestibulo sedeat? || certa sedet patribus sententia pugnae || clava sedit in ore viri || vota arborum frugumque communia sunt nives diuturnas sedere || sacer intra nos spiritus sedet, malorum bonorumque nostrorum observator et custos || censuerat ut praetoriani actis stipendiis ius apiscerentur in quattuordecim ordinibus sedendi
sĕdĕo tr. and intr. v. II conjug.

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