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feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 Seneca, a surname in the gens Annaea
2 M. Annaeus Seneca, a native of Corduba, a celebrated rhetorician in the time of Augustus and Tiberius, whose writings ([Controversiae] and [Suasoriae]) are now extant only in fragments
3 L. Annaeus Seneca, son of M. Annaeus, a Stoic philosopher, instructor of Nero
feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 Seneca, a surname in the gens Annaea
2 M. Annaeus Seneca, a native of Corduba, a celebrated rhetorician in the time of Augustus and Tiberius, whose writings ([Controversiae] and [Suasoriae]) are now extant only in fragments
3 L. Annaeus Seneca, son of M. Annaeus, a Stoic philosopher, instructor of Nero
sĕneca fem. noun I decl.

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