transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [spargo]
2 to touch, sprinkle
3 to strew, throw here and there, cast, hurl, or throw about, scatter
4 to bestrew
5 to sprinkle, spatter, wet
6 to bespatter, bedew, moisten
7 (liquids) to sprinkle, scatter
8 to bestrew, strew, scatter upon
9 to besprinkle, sprinkle, moisten, wet
10 to scatter, separate, disperse, divide, spread out
11 to distribute, spread abroad, spread, extend
12 (of speech) to intersperse, interpose, insert a word or words, of a report or rumour, to spread or noise abroad, to circulate, report
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [spargo]
2 to touch, sprinkle
3 to strew, throw here and there, cast, hurl, or throw about, scatter
4 to bestrew
5 to sprinkle, spatter, wet
6 to bespatter, bedew, moisten
7 (liquids) to sprinkle, scatter
8 to bestrew, strew, scatter upon
9 to besprinkle, sprinkle, moisten, wet
10 to scatter, separate, disperse, divide, spread out
11 to distribute, spread abroad, spread, extend
12 (of speech) to intersperse, interpose, insert a word or words, of a report or rumour, to spread or noise abroad, to circulate, report
Locutions, idioms and examples
ara castis vincta verbenis avet immolato spargier (= spargi) agno
spargor tr. v. III conjug.

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