transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [sustineo]
2 to hold up, support
3 to hold back, hold in check
4 to uphold the law
5 to sustain, support with food, etc.
6 (trouble) to bear, endure
7 to hold up, delay, put off
transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [sustineo]
2 to hold up, support
3 to hold back, hold in check
4 to uphold the law
5 to sustain, support with food, etc.
6 (trouble) to bear, endure
7 to hold up, delay, put off
Locutions, idioms and examples
hac alimur ac sustinemur || vult ebore sustineri || area firma templis sustinendis || animantes aspiratione aèris sustinentur || hac re frumentaria alimur ac sustinemur || aegre inermem tantam multitudinem, nedum armatam sustineri posse
sustĭnĕor tr. and intr. v. II conjug.

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