impersonal intransitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 (+ genitive or infinitive + accusative of the person) to be tired, to be weary, to be sick (of)
2 to be disgusted and offended
impersonal intransitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 (+ genitive or infinitive + accusative of the person) to be tired, to be weary, to be sick (of)
2 to be disgusted and offended
Locutions, idioms and examples
me taedet || eam vitae taedet || chirurgiae taedet || coepi taedere captivitatis || eam taedet caeli convexa tueri || vos talium civium taedet || iam pridem gubernare me taedebat
taedet imp. intr. v.

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