transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to release, to discharge, to acquit
2 to free, to set free, to release someone from an obligation
3 to achieve, to commit, to complete, to finish
4 to abbreviate, to abridge
5 archaic to pay off
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to release, to discharge, to acquit
2 to free, to set free, to release someone from an obligation
3 to achieve, to commit, to complete, to finish
4 to abbreviate, to abridge
5 archaic to pay off
Locutions, idioms and examples
ab aliquo me absolvo = to free oneself towards someone || absolvo aliquem = to pay someone || paucis absolvo || absolvo culpa = to acquit from a charge || absolvo instituta = to conclude the work already begun || absolvo promissum = to fulfil the promise || aliquem cura absolvo || aliquem peccato absolvo || absolve beneficium tuum = conclude you good work || capitis absolvo || ambitione adducti absolverunt || aliquem suspicione regni absolvo || absolve hunc, quaeso = pay him, please || absolve hunc, vomitu ne hic nos enicet = pay him, so he won't kill us with the rigurgitation of his affronts || caede hostis me absolvo || aliquid paucis re absolvo || aliquem cura familiari absolvo || absolvo de Catilinae coniuratione paucis = to give a brief account on the conspiracy of Catilina || de Catilinae coniuratione quam verissume verissime potero paucis absolvam || cetera quam paucissimis absolvam || absolvi beata vita sapientis non potest = the blessed life of scholars cannot be improved || absolvi Academicam omnem quaestionem libris quattuor = I explained in four book the whole doctrine of Academicians || iam tres libros absolverat subtiles et diligentes
absolvo tr. v. III conjug.

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