transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (transitive) to hold, to retain
2 medicine (transitive) to keep someone on a diet
3 (intransitive) to abstain, to renounce
4 (intransitive) to moderate oneself, to fast
transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (transitive) to hold, to retain
2 medicine (transitive) to keep someone on a diet
3 (intransitive) to abstain, to renounce
4 (intransitive) to moderate oneself, to fast
Locutions, idioms and examples
gemitus tussis risus abstine || abstineo ne (+ subjunctive) = to keep oneself from || abstineo aliquem = put someone on a diet || abstineo ab aliqua re = to abstain from touching something || abstineo manus (or manum) ab aliquo (ab aliqua re) = don’t touch anything (anyone) || abstineo ventrem = to arrest diarrhea || abstineo sermonem de aliqua re = to refrain from speaking of something || abstine sermonem = stop with these talks || aegre abstineo quin (+ subjunctive) || abstineo a mulieribus = to spare the women || abstineto irarum = keep away from anger || faba abstineo || abstineo risus = to restrain from laughing || abstineo publico = to abstain from (appearing) in public || abstineo manus a me = to abstain from committing suicide || abstineo iniurià = to abstain from offending || abstineo or contineo ab aliquo manum (or manus) = to restrain the hands, keep one's hands off || abstineo me (cibo) = to fast || cibo me abstineo || a voluptatibus abstineo = to abstain from pleasures || abstineo a praeda milites = to restrain the soldiers from looting || vocis usurpatione abstinerent || abstinere suetus conciliis = used to abstaining from meetings || abstinent quin castra oppugnent = they hold back from attacking the camp || ab alienis pecuniis me abstineo = to respect the money of others || abstineo direptione militem = to keep the soldiers from looting || abstinere debet aeger || ab aede ignem abstineo = drive away the fire from the temple || abstinendum est ab omnibus frigidis = we have to avoid all cold food || a praeda militem abstinuit = he forbade his soldiers to plunder || faba quidem Pythagorei… abstinuere || abstineo ne a legatis quidem violandis = not even restraining from insulting the ambassadors || aegre abstinent quin castra oppugnent || ab omni contagione Romanorum abstineo || abstineant manus ab hoc scelere nefario = may they withold from this wicked misdeed || cogitatione rerum novarum abstineo || admonuit maioribus negotiis abstineret || cibo omni aut potu abstineo || iam avaritia ne sacrorum quidem spoliatione abstinuit || abstineo a Siculorum argento cupiditatem aut manus = to drive his covetousness or his hands away from the silver of the Sicilians || ab alienis mentis, oculos, manus abstineo = to keep one's thoghts, eyes and hands away from the property of others || ab omni mentione et contagione Romanorum abstinebant = they avoided mentioning the Romans or relate with them || alios cibum adsumpsisse alios propter fastidium abstinuisse || Aeneae Antenorique omne ius belli abstineo || an quod a sociis eorum non abstinuerim iustam querellam habent || accepta clades Latinos ne ab legatis quidem violandis abstinuit = the defeat suffered did not deter the Latins from insulting the ambassadors || certum est confidenter hominem contra conloqui, qui possim videri huic fortis, a me ut abstineat manum
abstĭnĕo tr. and intr. v. II conjug.

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