transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to hide, to conceal
2 to lose sight
3 to bury
4 (reflexive, of stars) to set
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to hide, to conceal
2 to lose sight
3 to bury
4 (reflexive, of stars) to set
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquid opprimo et abscondo || absconde te in otio = withdrawn in idleness || adfectus abscondo || abscondo amorem = to hide the love || abscondo dolorem = to repress one's pain || abscondo gladios = to hide the swords || abscondo iram = to hide anger || aliquo lenocinio abscondunt || abscondo pueritiam = to leave childhood behind || abscondo aliquid in terram = to hide something in the ground || cadavera foveis abscondo || abscondo ensem in vulnere = to drive the sword into the wound || abscondo furto fugam = to keep the escape hidden through deceipt || abscondo telum in aere = to hide an arrow in the air (= to throw an arrow to infinity) || faciem sudario abscondit || aerias Phaeacum abscondimus arces
abscondo tr. v. III conjug.

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