adjective present participle II class
View the declension of this word
1 present participe of [absum]
2 absent, missing
3 who does not offer himself as a candidate
4 law guilty of default, contumacious
adjective present participle II class
View the declension of this word
1 present participe of [absum]
2 absent, missing
3 who does not offer himself as a candidate
4 law guilty of default, contumacious
Locutions, idioms and examples
absens in Lucanis = being outside in Lucania || absentes = the deceased || absente nobis (= absente me) = in my absence || absente ero = in the absence of the master || absens accusatus = accused in absentia || absentes comae = fake hair (= wigs) || adiutor absentis || absentem adgredior = to attach him in his absence || aliquem absentem vellico || absente populo = without the popular assembly || damno aliquem absentem || absente imperatore = in the absence of the commander || de absente iudico || colloquia amicorum absentium || absentes tibi comae = the hair you no longer have || de absentibus maledice dicitur || absentem urbem tollis = you bring to the stars the faraway city || cogere incipit eos ut absentem condemnarent || absentem qui rodit amicum = whoever speaks badly about an absent friend || absentem aliquem refero in reos = to write on the list of the accused someone in absentia || aliquem absentem reum facio || absentem de liberis dimico = to attach him in his absence and about his children (= discuss his paternity right in his absence) || complexus sum cogitatione te absentem || eadem qua fratrem absentem affecerunt poena || absentem rodo amicum = to speak badly of a friend in his absence || amicorum colloquia absentium || allevor cum loquor tecum absens || absens accusatus, absens absolutus est = was accused in absentia, was absolved in absentia || absentibus notus abesse = known be absent people (= far) || aliquem absentem invidiae crimine accuso || Antonio absens litteris colebatur || absentem succendit stipite natum = he set the child on fire with an ember || absente consulum altero ambobusve = one fo two or both consuls being absent || de absente secundum praesentem iudico || de absentibus maledice contumelioseque dico || absentes alios suspirat amores = he ardently desires other faraway loves || absens an praesens perniciosior esset in incerto habebatur = nobody knew if he was more harmful absent or present || absentium bona iuxta atque interemptorum divisa fuere = the possessions of bandits and the deceased were shared || aut cruciet quod vellicet absentem Demetrius? || absentibus secundum praesentes facillime dabat = in case of absence (of one party), he easily agreed with those present || adde quod absentis cura mandata fideli perficis || comes minore sum futurus in metu qui maior absentis habet accompagnando || a quo nec praesens nec absens quicquam aequi boni impetravit = from whom presente or absent he never obtained anything good and fair || absentem cantat amicam multa prolutus vappa nauta = the boatman after drinking much wine sings (about) the far away girl friend || Brutum Cassiumque reos … caedis absentis (= absentes) deferre statuit || Alcibiades absens Athenis insimulatur mysteria Cereris enuntiavisse
absens adj. pres. part. II cl.

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