intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to come near, to approach
2 to agree with
3 to be added to
4 (ad or in + accusative) to constitute
intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to come near, to approach
2 to agree with
3 to be added to
4 (ad or in + accusative) to constitute
Locutions, idioms and examples
accede huc ad me = move forward, come and meet me, come close || ad aliquem accedo = to approach someone, to associate with him || accedit huc = in addition to that || accedit quod = in addition the fact that || accedit ut … (+ subjunctive) = in adddition to that … || accessit eo ut … = to this was added that … || accedo alicui = to embrace someone's cause || accessi = I came near || accedit illud etiam quod = in addition still that || ad publica quoque accesserat || ad castra accedo = to approach the camp, the encamps || ad poenam accedo || ad Heracliam accedo = to arrive at Heraclea || ad dicendum accedo = to prepare to talk || accedo precibus || accedo in aedes = to enter the house || accedo alicui loco = to approach a place || accedo ad vectigalia = to begin the collection of tributes || accedet ei cura = care will get to him (= preoccupation) || accede, adiuta = approach, lend me a hand || accedam ad fores = I will approach the door || accedo Iugurtham = to approach Jugurtha || ad provinciam accedat || eodem accedit quod or ut … || accessit etiam, quod … = further was added the fact that … || accedo delubris = to penetrate the sanctuary || accedo in funus = to participate in a funeral || accedo ad consilium alicuius = to approve someone's opinion || ad eam accesserat confabulatum = he approached him to chat || accedo ad condiciones = to adhere to the conditions || accedam Ciceroni = I will embrace Cicero's ideas || accedo ad causam (or accedo causae) = to take responsibility of a trial || Carthaginem accedo || accedam ad hominem = I will approach him || ad urbem accedo || accessit ad argentum = he got near the silverware || accedunt anni = the weight of the year increases || accedunt et adludunt = they approach and play (with the dolphin) || caelo accedo || accedo in eamdem infamiam = to fall back in the same infamy || ait esse vetitum accedere || ad vicem alicuius accedo || ad veritatem accedo || accedere ad scribendum = to embark in a literary career || ad Aquinum accedo = to approach Aquinum || accedo ad oppidum = to march on the city || ad te comminus accessit || accedit ad praesepe = to approach the manger || accedent tibi a me haec dona = further, here are the gifts that you will receive from me || ad hoc detrimentum accessit ut = to this damage was added the fact that || accedo (ad) locum = to approach a place || accedo silvis = to reach the forests || ad animos accedo = to enter the soul || accedo scopulo = to approach the rocks || ad consilium accedo = to adhere to a plan || ad deos accedo = to resemble the gods || ad facinus accedo = to arrive at the crime || ad hastam accedo = to take part in a public auction || accedo iuxta = to go near || ad maleficium accedo = to arrive at crime || ad munitiones accedo = to approach the fortifications || accedit pretium agris = the price of land increases || accedo incipiunt Syracusas = set oneself running to penetrate Syracuse || ubi accedent anni || ad reliquos hic quoque labor mihi accessit || aves accedere silvis || accesserant nova auxilia = new reinforcements were added || ad te, ut video, comminus accessit || accesserat repens causa = a new reason (to hate) was added || ad id non accedes ex quo tibi aliquid decuti doles = you cannot come close to something that pains you when a portion of it is torn away || alicuius virtuti proxime accedo || accedebant ad haec gravissimae usurae = very onerous interests were added unto that || accessit consul hortator = the exortation of the consul was added || voluntas vostra si ad poetam accesserit || accedit etiam mors = death in addition too || accedo ad decretorium stilum = to reach until the fatal pen stroke || ad pericula accedo (or opponor) || ad urbem ut non accederem perseveravi || ad campestres munitiones accedunt = they came close to the fortifications in the plain || ad amicitiam Caesaris accedo = to become a friend (= in alliance) of Caesar || ad aures sermo mi accedit tuos = I listen to your speech || accedit numerus lucernis = they seem two lamps (= due to drunkennes) || accedit Saxa nescio quis = a certain Saxa arrives || ad mala hoc mihi accedit = this is added to my illnesses || ad Caesarem supplex accedit = he approaches Caesar beseeching || ad rem publicam accedo || accede, nate, adsiste = approach, oh son, help me || ad emendationem nostri debemus accedere = we need to get ready to correct our defects || ad Anxur oppugnandum accessit = he moved into the attack of Anxur || ad privatas causas accedo || ad deos propius accedunt = to be closer to be godlike || accedes siccus ad unctum = you pauper will go to the rich man || ad Iugurtham mittunt quam ocissume accedat = they send word to Jugurtha to get near the fastest possible || iam tempus est ad id quod instituimus accedere || civitates quae ad Caesaris amicitiam accesserant || ad quartum actum accedimus, vindemiam || accedo matrem muliebri impotentia = in addition to that then the mother with her inability to control herself typical of a woman || accedit muros Romana iuventus = the Roman youth attacks the walls || accedet actio non tragica nec scaenae = his way of offering will not be neither tragic nor theatrical || accessit huc, quod Hortensius in theatrum introit = the fact the Hortensius came into the theatre was added on || ad haec mala hoc mi accedit etiam = to these misfortunes even this is added unto me || accesserint in cumulum manubiae vestrorum imperatorum = the booty conquered by your generals came to be added up to top it all, as the last straw || ad cotidianum genus sermonis accedo = to come close to everyday language || accesserunt quae cumularent religiones animis = certain news were added to increase fear of the gods in the hearts || Antonio Philippus proximus accedebat || ad manus or manum pervenio or venio, or accedo = to come to blows, to fight || ad illud scelus sectionis accedere = to join that wicked auction || ad eandem mensam cum servo suo accedo = to sit at the same table with one's slave || an inde quo cohibitus es accedere? || ad iter quod inhabile sciet non accedet = he will not take a way that he will know to be impassable || ad hastam publicam numquam accessit = he never joined a public auction || ad gubernacula rei publicae accedere eum patiemur = we will allow for him to come near the State || accedebat ut nunquam conferti sed rari proeliarentur = further, the fact they (the enemies) never fought in a compact order, but in open order was added to that || accedebat ordo rerum plenus artis = in addition a great ability for arranging topics || accessit huic patellae … dignum operculum = a deserving cover suits this pot (= all peoples have the leaders they deserve) || accedat huc suavitas quaedam oportet morum = to that we must add a certain pleasure in conversation || accessit callide volgatum, temere creditum = the rumor cunningly spread and foolishly given credence were added || ad summa indolem accesserat Cn. Scipionis disciplina || vos et Scyllaeam rabiem … sonantis accestis (= accessisti) scopulos || bis octonis accedit purpura fastis || classis Ostia cum magno commeatu accessit || ad similitudinem tuae litterae prope accedebat || accessit etiam ista opinio fortasse = maybe this belief was added || ad rem publicam accessit ut eam confirmaret, non ut everteret || accedebat huc ut integri et recentes defatigatis succederent = in addition to that fresh and new troops replaced the tired ones || accedes opera agro nona Sabino = you will join the eight already working in Sabina || ad Appii Claudii senectutem accedebat etiam, ut caecus esset = in addition to Appius Claudius' old age he was blind || accessit etiam, quod illa pars equitatus se in fines Sugambrorum receperat = the fact that the cavalry took refuge in the territory of the Sicambri was added on || alia animalia gradiendo alia serpendo ad pastum accedunt || ad virtutis autem summam accedere nihil potest || accedebat huc Caecinae ambitio vetus , torpor recens = in addition to this the ancient assent and the recent torpor of Caecina || accedit ut accusatorum alterius crudelitate alterius indignitate conturber = in addition to that one of the accusers caused my perturbation due to his cruelty, the oner one due to his unworthiness || antequam iste ad magistratus remque publicam accessit || accedendum huc ; Venus haec volo adroget te || ad ceteras meas miserias accessit dolor de Dolabellae valetudine = my worry about Dolabra's health adds unto all my other unhappiness || accedebant blanditiae virorum factum purgantium cupiditate atque amore = in addition blandishments of the husbands who adduced amorous passion as justification for what happened || ad Valerium negantem se privato reticere, lictorem accedere iussit || Bibulus ne cogitabat quidem etiam nunc in provinciam suam accedere || accedebat huc quod Dumnorix dixerat sibi a Caesare regnum civitatis deferri = in addition to this Dumnorix had said that the power over the population was conferred to him by Caesar || amans accessit pretium pollicens unus et item alter || ad scindendum aprum accessit barbatus ingens fasciis cruralibus alligatus || accedit uti mellis lactisque liquores iucundo sensu linguae tractentur in ore = in addition to that the fact that the fluids of honey and milk are savoured in the mouth with a palatable sensation in the tongue || Ambiorix pronuntiari iubet ut procul tela coiciant neu propius accedant
accēdo intr. v. III conjug.

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