transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to kindle, to set on fire, to light
2 to illuminate
3 to inflame, to stir up, to arouse
4 to make bright
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to kindle, to set on fire, to light
2 to illuminate
3 to inflame, to stir up, to arouse
4 to make bright
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquem in aliquem accendo || accendo spem = to stir up hope || accendo faces = to light up torches || accendo favorem alicui = to stir up favour for someone || accendo febrem = to give rise to fever || accendo aliquem contra (or in) aliquem = instigate somebody against someone || accendo ignes = to light up fires || accendo lumen = to light up the lamp || accendo in rabiem = to incite to anger || accendo seditionem = to incite a rebellion || aliquem probris accendo || accendo rogum = to light up the pyre || accendo discordiam = to exacerbate discord || accendo delicta = to increase crimes || accendo aras = to light up the altar || ad pugnam accendo || faces accendo || accendunt quoque tecta domorum = (the lightnings) get to set on fire the roofs of the houses || accendebat onerabatque Seianus || accendo fiduciam Tyriorum = to strenghten the trust of the Tyrians || accendo vim venti = to increase the fury of the wind || accendebat dedignantes et ipse = even he ignited their disdain || accendo animum ad virtutem = to inflame the heart to virtue || animum pollicitando accendebant || accendo militi (or militum) animos = to incite the soldiers' courage || accendo animum ad oppugnandum = to inflame the hearts to attack || animos bello accendo || accendo aliquem lucernas sabbatis prohibeamus = we forbit lamps to be lighted on Saturdays || carmina, quorum relatu accendunt animos || ea commemorando militum animos accendebat || Chattica Teutonicos accendit spuma capillos || animos militum hortando in pugnam accendebat || accendis quare cupiam magis illi proximus esse = you stir in me the desire to be closer to him || Agricola militem accendendum adhuc ratus || ea desperatio Tuscis rabiem magis quam audaciam accendit || atrox ingenium accenderat eo facto magis quam conterruerat || accendunt insuper hostes ferocius multo … quippe impune se insultaturos = and what's more the enemy inflamed more vehemently (knowing) infact they could insult them with impunity
accendo tr. v. III conjug.

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