neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 receipts (opposite of expenditures)
2 favours
3 receipt side of account
4 written receipt
neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 receipts (opposite of expenditures)
2 favours
3 receipt side of account
4 written receipt
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquid acceptum alicui facio || accepta et data = the entrances and the exits || in acceptum refero || accepto fero (or facio) (+ dative) = to credit to the account of || acceptorum beneficiorum sunt dilectus habendi = we need to discern among the benefits || acceptum refero (o fero o facio) (+ dative) = register with the revenue (fiscal) chapter || tabulae (codex) accepti et expensi || bene ratio accepti atque expensi inter nos convenit
acceptum nt. noun II decl.

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