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adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
1 perfect participle of [accipio]
2 welcome, pleasing
3 popular with, well liked
4 dear
5 (money) received or credited
adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
1 perfect participle of [accipio]
2 welcome, pleasing
3 popular with, well liked
4 dear
5 (money) received or credited
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui acceptus || accepta oratione = having heard their message || apud aliquem acceptissimus || acceptus honorifice = received with great honors || accepto ritu = having adopted the custom || aspere acceptum || aliquo accepto detrimento || accepti inter auxilia = having been received among the auxiliaries || accepta pecunia or pecuniam dissolvere = to pay an amount of money || acceptae et expensae summae = profits and expenses || acceptis volneribus adversis = having received wounds on the chest || accepto ferent dii vestri, quod … = your gods will be grateful that … || accepto quinquagies sestertio = after receiving five million sestertii || acceptas tu quoque redde notas = he will signal you, and you also answer with a nod of agreement || aliquid gratum acceptumque habeo || acceptum detrimentum sarcio = to repair the damage suffered || apparatu regio accepti || volnere per inguen accepto || acceptam cladem hosti reddo || sacra a Graecis adscita et accepta || acceptum face redditumque votum = welcome and fulfil the vote || aliquid acceptum alicui facio or fero, or refero || a maioribus acceptam equestrem dignitatem = the rank of knighthood inherited by the ancestors || acceptum poculum … impavide hausit = having taken the cup he drank without fear || acceptum incommodum virtute sarcire = to repair with value the damage suffered || acceptam iniuriam persequi non placet? = don't (you) think it fair to ask for reparation for an offence received? || a plerisque in omen magni terroris acceptum = it was interpreted by most as an omen of great terror || accepta iniuria ignoscere quam persequi malebant = offended, they preferred to forgive instead of taking revenge || aequioribus animis accepti sunt qui ad Antonium venerant || damna Romano accepta bello … restituerat || beneficia ultro et citro data acceptaque || acceptas litteras neque resolutas cum in gremio reposuisset = having placed on the knees the letter he received, (still) unopened || Claudius acceptam in Illyrico ignominiam corrigere cupiens || accepta clades Latinos ne ab legatis quidem violandis abstinuit = the defeat suffered did not deter the Latins from insulting the ambassadors || accepisset res publica plagam, sed eam quam acceptam gemere posset = the republic would thus receive a blow, but a blow, once received, should reel from || adeo ut per eum stetisse diceretur quo minus accepta ad Cannas redderetur hosti clades || clamitabat … ardere Galliam tot contumellis acceptis sub populi Romani imperium redactam
acceptus adj. perf. part. I cl.

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