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intransitive verb III conjugation
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to fall upon, to fall down, to fall to, to fall at or to fall near, to descend, to alight happen, to occur happen to
intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
to fall upon, to fall down, to fall to, to fall at or to fall near, to descend, to alight happen, to occur happen to
Locutions, idioms and examples
accidit ut non (+ indicative) = it happened that no … || accidit quod … (+ indicative) = it happens that … || ad animum (or animo) accido = to strike the mind || aliter accido || ad oculos accido || perincommode accidit quod … || casu accidit ut (+ subjunctive) || accido ad speciem = to appear to the eyes || accido ad terram = to fall to the ground || accido ad pedes = to fall at the feet || acciderunt, quae Demaratus praedixerat = the things Demaratus foresaw happened || accidit praeter optatum meum = it happened beyond my desires || accidit (or evenit, or fit) quod (+ ut, ne + subjunctive) = it so happened that, it happens that || acciderat ut consilium caperent = it happened that they would have taken the decision || accidit ut esset luna plena = it happened that there was a full moon || magno accidit casu ut (+ subjunctive) || ad oculos animumque accido || ad genua (or genibus or ad pedes) alicuius accido = to fall to someone's feet || aegritudinem quae Germanico acciderat || damna quae imprudentibus accidunt, hoc est damna fatalia || ea quae caelo accidere oculis advertimus || accidit perincommode quod eum nusquam vidisti = it was an unfortunate case that we had not seen him anywhere || accidit peropportune quod ad Antonium venisti = it happened at the right moment that you came to Anthony's place || cetera quae ei generi accidunt || accidit ut or contigit ut or evenit ut or fit ut (+ subjunctive) = it happens that … || alicuius genibus advolvor or provolvor or me advolvo or accido or submitto me ad genua || ad aures (or aures, or auribus) alicuius accido (or pervenio, or permaneo, or venio) = to reach someone's ear || accidit ut vulgo milites ab signis discederent = it happened that the soldiers deserted en masse || accidit ut minus multis iugis agros ararent = it happened that the ploughed the fields with many oxen pairs less || Caesaris exercitui res accidit incredibilis auditu || accidere terrae simile quiddam nostrae adfectioni concesserim = that the earth devoid of something analogous to what is felt by man, I shall concede it to you || accidit ut una nocte omnes Hermae … deicerentur = it happened that in just one night all the Hermas were destroyed || accidit, ut nova genera morborum gregatim sentirentur = it happens that the lower classes contract new illnesses || accidit huic ut inconsideratior in secunda quam in adversa esset fortuna = he happened to show himself reckless in good rather than in bad luck || accidit casu ut legati apud Flamininum cenarent = it's so happened that the ambassadors had dinner at Flamininus place || accidit ut Athenienses Chersonesum colonos vellent mittere = it happened that the Athenians wanted to send settlers in Chersonesus || accidit sedem Iovis furore principum exscindi = it happened that the seat of Jupiter was destroyed by the fury of the heads || accidit, quod fieri necesse erat, ut milites ab signis discederent = it happened, something that was inevitable, that the soldiers deserted || accidunt arbores, tantum ut summa species earum stantium relinquatur = they cut trees, but only in such a way that the upper portion leaves the impression of upright plants || accidit etiam repentinum incommodum … tanta enim tempestas cooritur = it happened that a sudden incident … in fact such a violent storm broke out … || ac iam ut omnia contra opinionem acciderent, tamen se plurimum navibus posse = and even if each event was different from what I thought, they had a more powerful fleet anyhow || accidit ut Verres veniret Lampsacum cum magna calamitate et prope pernicie civitatis = it happened that Verres came to Lampsacus with great detriment and near ruin of the city
accĭdo intr. v. III conjug.

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