transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to gird on or about, to surround
2 to equip, to provide (with)
3 to get ready, to prepare (for)
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to gird on or about, to surround
2 to equip, to provide (with)
3 to get ready, to prepare (for)
Locutions, idioms and examples
accinge = get ready || accingo in rem (or in rei) = to prepare oneself in view of something || accingendum ad eam cogitationem esse = we had to get ready to fulfil the plan || accinge ad molas = get ready to turn the millstone || accingo operi = to prepare oneself for work || ad rem accingo || accingo contra = to prepare oneself for the rebuttal || animos accinge futuris || aliquem ad fastigium paternum accingo || accingunt omnes operi = everybody is getting ready to work || accingit Phraaten paternum ad fastigium = prepares Phraates in view of the paternal throne || accingo me iuvene partem curarum capessituro = to get the support of a youth destined to take on part of the State affairs
accingo tr. v. III conjug.

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