transitive verb III conjugation ending -io
View the declension of this word
1 to take, to grasp, to receive, to accept, to undertake
2 to admit, to let in, to hear, to learn
3 to obey
transitive verb III conjugation ending -io
View the declension of this word
1 to take, to grasp, to receive, to accept, to undertake
2 to admit, to let in, to hear, to learn
3 to obey
Locutions, idioms and examples
commodatum accipio || comiter accipio || accepimus (+ infinitive) = we know from tradition that … || accepisse ab aliquo = I would like to know something from someone || accipe, accipite = listen, learn || accipio! || aliquid pignori accipio || calamitatem or calamitates accipio || aliquem male accipio || aliquid arte accipio || aliquid dono accipio || animo or animis accipio || augurium accipio || caelum accipio || actionem accipio = to receive the faculty to act || auribus accipio || accipio beneficium ab aliquo = to receive a favour from someone || accipio plagam = to receive a blow || accipio causam = to take on a case || accipio aliquem in civitatem = to welcome someone as a Roman citizen || accipio clementer = to receive with benevolence || aliquem benigne accipio || accipio rem ab aliquo = to receive something from someone || accipio poenas = to punish || detrimentum accipio || accipio pecuniam = to receive money with interest || accipio omen = I accept the omen || accipio iniuriam = to suffer an insult || accipio in omen = to interpret as an omen || accipio decumas = to collect one tenth || accipio ad me litem = to take on proceedings || accipio a = to receive from || accepit veniam = he obtained pardon || a maioribus nostris accepimus = we learned from our ancestors || accipio revocamen = I hear the call || vulnus accipio in capite || colorem accipio percipio || clepsydras binas accipio || accipio ex aliquo ex aliqua re || cladem accipio || censum accipio || causam accipio || voluptatem accipio || accipio aliquid ad verbum = to take someone to the letter || accipio aliquem verberibus = to welcome someone with a beating || alicuius accipio tutelam || in solutum accipio || accipio sinistre = to receive unfavourably || accipio rogationem = to adhere to a bill || accipio convivio = to welcome at the table || accipio provinciam = to take on the administration of a province || perhumaniter accipio || accipio aliquid a patre = to inherit something from the father || accipio aliquid oculis = to notice someone || accipio medicamentum = to take a medicine || accipio litteras ab aliquo = to receive a letter from someone || accipio iudicium = to accept a judgement || accipe et istud fermentum tibi habe = take and keep this fermented thing (= also this reason for wrath) || accipio hospitio aliquem = to receive someone as a guest || hospitio accipio || accipio habenas = to take the reins (of the State) || in fidem accipio || accipio excusationem alicuius = to accept someone's apology || aliquem adytis suis accipio || aliquem in matrimonium accipio || aestimationem aliquam accipio || aliquid ex manu alicuius accipio || aliquid in contumeliam accipio || alicuius rei speciem accipio || alicuius satisfactionem accipio || ab defessis accipio scalas = to take the ladders (from the hands of) tired soldiers || accipio fama et auditione = to learn from tradition or by hearsay || accipio pecuniam fenore = to receive money (also to allow to be corrupted) || aliquem in fidem (suam) accipio or recipio || aliquem in gratiam (suam) accipio or recipio || accipio vicissimque reddo = to receive and to return in exchange || accipio usum ac disciplinam ab aliquo = to learn the (war) training and the art from someone || aliquos in fidem clientelamque accipio || aliquid in malam partem accipio || accipio rationem consilii alicuius = to hear what is someone's intention || accipio aliquid in plures sententias = to interpret someone in more than one way || accipio de plebe consulem = to admit the candidacy of a plebeian consul || aliquem in amicitiam (suam) accipio or recipio || accipio condicionem pacis = to accept terms of peace || aliquem leniter clementerque accipio || accipio speciem rei = to assume someone's appearance || armigerum eius in matrimonium accepit || accipio ab aliquo tibiarum tractationem = to learn from someone the art of playing the flute || aliquid in portionem belli accipio || in malam partem accipio || accepi litteras a patre = I received a letter from my father || accipe Mattiacas … pilas = take (these) soaps from Mattiacum || accipe quod numquam reddas mihi = here is this amount, that you will not need to return to me || aliquem in deditionem accipio or recipio || in optimam partem accipio || accipio indignis modis = to treat contemptibly || accipio imperium ab exercitu = to receive from the army the position of supreme commander || accepi patrimonium laticlavium = I received a princely fortune || accipe garum fastosum = excellent, good || accipite hoc onus in vestros collos = take this burden on your shoulders || accipio onus in collos = to take a burden on one's shoulders || accipe et haec, manuum tibi quae monumenta mearum sint = take these (gifts) too, that they may remind you of my hands || accipio hereditatem a patre = to receive the inheritance from the father || accipio prodigii loco = to interpret as a presage || aliquid in bonam partem accipio || accipe quaesiti causam = this is the reason for what you want to know || alicuius nomina accipio or recipio || accipio cladem, repulsam = to suffer a military defeat, at the elections || ad frumentum accipiendum venerat = he came to get his wheat ration || do, accipio motus || aliquid auribus accipio or ad aures admitto || do, accipio preces || accipere … regibus omen erat = it was a good omen for a king to receive … || volenti animo accipio || accipiendo regno adventabat = he came for the bestowal of royal power || repulsam accipio or fero || aequo animo accipio || ambitur consulatum accipere || aspere quae utilia accipio || coloni bina iugera acceperunt || de angustiis rei frumentariae accepit || ab subornato a se litteras accepit = he received a letter from one of his subordinates || ab aliquo satisaccipio (or satis accipio) = to receive a bond, guarantee from someone || ab aliquo beneficium, salutem accipio = to receive a benefit, health from someone || ad contumeliam omnia accipio = to take offence at everything || vulnus accipio excipio || in bonam partem accipio || aliquid pro praeiudicio accipio || aliquem male accipio verbis || a Catilina pecuniam accepit ut … praevaricavetur = he took money from Catilina to make a deal with the opponent || causam defendo or accipio || celans quantum vulnus accepisset || dandi et accipiendi beneficii || dant accipiuntque manus || adversis auribus accipietis || arma obsidesque accipio || eadem mensura reddere iubet quae acceperis aut etiam cumulatiore || faciat finem an accipiat || iam ex quo ipse accepisset regnum || aliquid accipio in bonam (malam) partem || accipe qua ratione queas ditescere = listen to what way you may enrich yourself || a Caesare victore veniam accipio = to have the pardon of Caesar the victorious || amicitiam se Romanorum accipere adnuit || aliquid secundis sinistris auribus accipio || accipio quam facere praestat iniuriam = better to sufffer an injustice than commit it || qua facere id possis, nostram … accipe mentem || aliquid accipio ab alio vicissimque reddo || do alicui crimini pecuniam accepisse || damus alternas accipimusque preces || aliquis qui nullum a fortuna volnus acceperit || agrum immunem ipsi qui accepisse || aspere accipio or patior or fero || accepi urbem cum Philippi partium esset = I received the city when it was on Philippus side || animo transmittente quicquid acceperat || a Turranio te accepisse meas litteras gaudeo = Turranius gave me your letter and I am glad || aratrum accipere pignori non licet || aliquid accipio aliorsum … or aliter atque … || accipiat manis parvula testa meos = may a little terracotta urn receive my ashes || argentum accipio ab damnoso sene || accipere se putavit beneficium, cum daret = he thought of receiving a benefit (while) giving || ad Catilinam accipiendum Romae resto = to stay in Rome to welcome Catilina || accipio aptos ex actione motus = to conform one's gestures with one'd own capability || accipio auribus secundis o adversis = to listen favourably or unfavourably || abs te satis accipiam; ego autem tibi satis non dabo = I will accept from you the guarantee; but I won't give mine to you || aliquem accipio ut lucem salutemque redditam sibi || armigerum Vellocatum in matrimonium regnumque accepit || bellum quod novus imperator noster accipiat || accipio or facio, or mereo stipendia || moleste fero or patior, or accipio || accipe per longos tibi qui deserviat annos = welcome one who may be able to serve you for many years || aliquid graviter fero or accipio or tolero || accipiunt ventos a tergo mille carinae = the thousand ships sail before the wind || accipe quis merse fortunae fluctibus ipse = listen to what waves of fortune I myself am submerged in || accipe non vili calices de pulvere natos = accept (these) goblets not made with cheap clay || an eo egestatem ei tolerabis si quid ab illo acceperis? || accipite aliam non minus impudentem calumniam = hear this other calumny, no less insolent || amor tuus se ostendit in iis litteris quas a te accepi || accipe, ista tua est, Cinyra, devotaque corpora iunxit = take her, this woman in your, Cynira, and she joined their bodies || aequis or secundis auribus audio or accipio || aliquem hospitio or domo accipio or recipio or excipio || accepi a te signatum libellum, quem Anteros attulerat = I received, with your seal, the note that Anteros brought || habes munus magnum, sed perinde erit, ut acceperis || vos oro ne obiecta crimina pro adprobatis accipiatis || accipere plagam malunt quam turpiter vitare = they prefer to receive a blow instead of avoiding it with shame || ubi cuncta invicem hostilia accepere || ubi ea quae famà acceperat ita esse cognovit || binas a te accepi litteras, Corcyrae datas || iam de artificiis et quaestibus haec fere accepimus || a sacerdotibus barbaris numeros et caelestia accipio = to learn mathetics and astrology from the barbarian priests || annonas binas aut ternas accipiebant || accepit calido febrim fervore coortam = he feels in his limbs the burning heat of an attack of fever || bis terve summum litteras accepi || agri multo plus efferunt quam acceperunt || accipio excusationem tuam, qua usus es, cur … dedisses = I accept your apologies, that you need to explain why you placed back … || accepi tuam epistulam vacillantibus litterulis = I received your letter written with trembling words || at non Phoenissa oculis aut pectore noctem accipit || accipe Danaum insidias et crimine ab uno disce omnes = listen of what dangers the Danaans and from the wickedness of just one learn to know them all || ab quīvis (= quovis) homine, quom opus est, beneficium accipere gaudeas = from whomever, when in need, we would be happy to receive a benefit || accepi, munditias mulieribus, laborem viris convenire = I learned that refinement suits women and hardship suits men || agri fertiles qui multo plus adferunt quam acceperunt || accipio aliquem in urbem (or urbe), domum, intra moenia, tecto = to receive someone in the city, at home, within the walls, under one's own roof || accipe quo semper finitur epistula verbo: vale = receive the words with which the letter always ends: Be well || habeo rationem quid a populo Romano acceperim || assem para et accipe auream fabulam fabulas immo || alii ventosis taurinis follibus auras accipiunt redduntque || agros fertiles qui multo plus efferunt quam acceperunt || accepi non minus interdum oratorium esse tacere quam dicere = I learned that sometime it is proper for a good orator to keep quiet as well as to speak || accepimus condiciones, sed ita, ut removeat praesidia ex iis locis quae occupavit = we accept the conditions, but provided the he removes the garrisons from the places he occupied || accepisset res publica plagam, sed eam quam acceptam gemere posset = the republic would thus receive a blow, but a blow, once received, should reel from || damnum facio or contraho or patior or accipio or fero or capio || accipere se omen impleturumque fata ara condita ac dicata ait = (Hercules) said that he would accept the omen and that he would fulfil the will of fate erecting and consecrating the altar || accepi turdos cum quibus parem calculum ponere non possum = I received a gift that I cannot adequately reciprocate || accipit homo nemo melius prorsus neque prolixius = no man hosts better or more generously || ea quae utenda acceperis maiore mensura si modo possis iubet reddere Hesiodus || accipite nunc aliud eius facinus nobile … saepe commemoratum = listen now to another of his notorious misdeed, of which we often talked about || ab hominibus doctis accepimus … ex malis eligere minima oportere = we learned from the philosophers that we have to chose the lesser evil || adeo, ut iure sit gloriatus marmoream se relinquere (urbem), quam latericiam accepisset || an tu aequum censes militia semenstri solidum te stipendium accipere? || acceperam eas litteras, in quibus magno opere confirmat ante ludos Romanos = I received a letter in which he confirms (that he will be in Rome) before the Roman games || accepimus ceterarum rerum studia et doctrinà et praeceptis et arte constare = we learned that in all other disciplines commitment consists of theory, instruction and skill || ab subornato ad se per fallaciam in tabellarii speciem litteras in foro medio accepit = in the middle of the forum he had someone deliver a letter from someone he suborned with deceipt to stand as a courier || avidus qui non lucri loco habet quod accepit sed damni quod reddidit || accepi tabulas omnis (= omnes) quas diligentissime legi atque digessi = I received all the accounting books, that I read and arranged diligently || accepit vocem lacrimis Lavinia matris flagrantis perfusa genas = Lavinia accepted her mother's words in tears that poured on her burning cheeks || animam dicis per cuncta membra diffusam totam totius accepisse corporis formam || campi qui Euphrate et Tigri inclutis amnibus circumflui Mesopotamiae nomen acceperunt || accepisse id augurium laeta dicitur Tanaquil, perita ut volgo Etrusci caelestium prodigiorum mulier = Tanaquil, a skilful woman, like all Etruscans, in interpreting signs from heaven, is said to have happily received this as a flight of good omen || iam iam non domus accipiet te laeta
accĭpĭo tr. v. III conjug. end. -io

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