Your search returned the following results:
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 acutely, penetrating
2 strongly, vigourously, bitterly, passionately, fiercely
3 very much
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 acutely, penetrating
2 strongly, vigourously, bitterly, passionately, fiercely
3 very much
Locutions, idioms and examples
acriter egetur = we are in terrible indigence || acriter pugno = to fight tenaciously || acriter intellego = to have a sharp wit || acriter moneo = to warn sternly || acriter exspecto = to wait impatiently || acriter pronuntio = to utter with emphasis || acriter corripio aliquem = to rebuke harshly || acriter varieque pugnatur = they fought furiously and with variable luck || acriter vitupero = to rebuke harshly || acriter viridis = bright green || acriter eo = to hurl oneself with impetus || acriter aliquid vitupero = bitterly blaming something || aliquid acriter speculor || amatur atque egetur acriter || acriter vigilo = to keep watch with seal || acriter consilium asservo = to accurately hide something || acriter in eo loco pugnatum est = they fought bitterly in that place || acriter ulciscor iniurias = to avenge insults violently || acriter ac vehementer proeliari = to fight with harshness and vehemence || acriter video vitia = to view thoroughly vices || acriter solem intueor = to stare into the sun || acriter dilectum habeo = to recruit rigorously || acriter exerceo victoriam = to strictly uphold the victory || acriter rem ago = to fight tenaciously || acre comminantibus pupulis = with the pupils that sent menacing flashes || adulescenti non acriter intelligenti || ancipiti proelio diu atque acriter pugnatum est || acre malum semper stillantis ocelli = an irritating illness that was making the eyes water continuously || acerrume victoriam nobilitatis in plebem exercuerat = he used the victory of the nobles over the plebs very cruelly
ācre adv.

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