Your search returned the following results:
plural neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 actions, works, facts, enterprises
2 public acts, laws, decrees
3 records, reports, register of facts
plural neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 actions, works, facts, enterprises
2 public acts, laws, decrees
3 records, reports, register of facts
Locutions, idioms and examples
acta mei tridui = the account of what I did in these three days || acta apostolica = the Acts of the Apostles || acta triumphōrum || acta Dolabellae = acts of Dolabra || acta forensia = acts of a proceeding || acta fŏri = judicial acts || acta militaria = journal of the legions' events || beneficium in acta non mitto || beneficium in acta mitto || aliquid in acta refero or mitto || acta patrum (or senatus) = the acts of the senate || acta populi Romani = ufficial newspaper of Rome, daily news, news bullettin affixed in the busiest places || auctorem odimus acta defendimus || acta diurna (or publica, or nocturna) = daily account || circumsistunt Caesarem, ante acta deprecantes || certissimi idemque acerrimi Caesaris actorum patroni
acta pl. nt. noun II decl.

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