feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 act, action, activity, deed
2 incident, plot (play)
3 legal process, suit
4 plea
feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 act, action, activity, deed
2 incident, plot (play)
3 legal process, suit
4 plea
Locutions, idioms and examples
actio Serviana = Servian act (= for the possession of a mortgage) || actiones Hostilianae = rules of procedure established by Hostilius || actiones meae = my orations (political) || actio rerum = act of doing something || actiones Ciceronis = the political actions of Cicero || actio tragica = theatrical aptitude || actio vitae = practical life, active || actionem postulo in aliquem = to ask for the authorization to act (= to proceed) against someone || actio ad exhibendum = summons || actio de pace = peace negotiation || actio decora = dignified way to speak || actio honesta = honest action, honorable action || actio in Verrem = speech of accusation against Verres || actio iniuriarum = proceedings for damages || actio mentis = action of the mind || gratiarum actio || actiones ficticiae = simulated actions || actio trunca = incomplete oratorical act || actio utilis = an action suited to a case originally not covered by the same || actionem excipio = to support a case || actionum dissensio = the contraddiction of the facts || actionem accipio = to receive the faculty to act || actiones publicae = politics || actiones Verrinae = the speeches made against Verres || alicui actionem accommodo || actio furti = lawsuit for theft || civilis actio || do actionem || celebro actiones || causae actio || actiones tribuniciae = the actions (= statements) of the tribunes || actio competit in aliquem = the judicial action is applicable to someone || actiones scribo = to write one's own speeches || actionem restituo = to authorize an appeal, to adjourn before other judges || actio de repetundis = lawsuit for bribery || actioni resisto = to obstruct a proposal || (actio) pigneraticia || (actio) rescissoria || (actio) tributoria || actio causae = treatment of a suit || actio perduellionis = trial for high treason || actio civilis = to bring an action against a citizen || actio corporis = physical action (also body movement) || actio confessoria = action to obtain a contested right recognized || actionem meam … recollegi = I put together again my speech || brevis et concisa actio || actiones honestae (or honestatis) = honest actions, honourable || actiones virtutibus congruentes = behaviour consistent with virtue || cessat iniuriarum actio || actiones instituo (or constituo) = to bring judicial actions || ab actione corporis seiugata = separated from the influence of the body || actionem eius rei postulant = to advance the request that he may be subject to proceedings with this charge || actionem in senatu habeo = to discuss a proposal in the senate || actiones seditiosae tribunorum = the turbulent conduct of the tribunes || ad promerendum actioni favorem || ab actione fit intermissio saepe = practical activity often goes through a suspension || actionem perduellionis intenderat = he brought an action (against me) for high treason || actio gratiarum (or laudum) = thanks || actio ab agitatu facta = ''action'' derives from ''movement'' || actio de pace sublata est = all peace negotiations have been broken off || actio prima in Verrem = first speech against Verres || actio paulo agitatior = an act (oratory) a bit more excited || actio est in auctorem praesentem = there is an action against the seller called upon to guarantee || actio omnibus indecora = action unbecoming for everyone || actio in dicendo una dominatur = the way to declaim is of fundamental importance in speaking || actio plena doloris = a performance full of pathos || actio illarum rerum aperta = accomplishing these things on the great day || actio civiliter moveri potest = a civil action may be brought || actio est in auctorem his verbis = the accusation against the seller is conceived this way || actionum in Senatu primam habuit = he handled the first of the proposals treated by the Senate || actio translationis indigere videtur = the proceedings seemed to require a change in procedure || actio vitio vocis claudicabat = the action was lame, the voice was very bad || C. Verrem altera actione responsurum non esse || animi permotio quae imitanda est actione || radicitus evellere omnes actiones alicuius || calumniatur accusator actione sacrilegii || accipio aptos ex actione motus = to conform one's gestures with one'd own capability || accedet actio non tragica nec scaenae = his way of offering will not be neither tragic nor theatrical || actio partienda est in gestum atque vocem = the act must be defined in handling and the tone of voice || actiones nondum invenerant finem = (the actions) did not come to an end yet || actionem instituo, (or intendo, or infero) = to bring a judicial action || aliae seditiosae actiones exsistunt || actio pro restitutore contra ingratum = the political actions of Cicero || actionem susceperat, non in vulgus quam optimo cuique gratiorem = he started an action no longer welcome neither by the people nor the optimates || actio quae vocis conformatione ac varietate moderanda est = the act (oratory) must be regulated in tone and modulation of the voice || adprobantibus sex tribunis actionem collegae || actionem do, (or excludo, or concedo, or nego) = to deny the faculty to act || actionem competere in equitem Romanum negat = declares that the legal proceedings do not apply on a Roman knight || actio vero eius habebat … in motu summam dignitatem = his way to hand out truly had great dignity in gestures || aequabilitas universae vitae, tum singularium actionum || ceterarum virtutum dicendi mediocritatem actione occultavit || qua quisque actione agere volet, eam prius edere debet
actĭo fem. noun III decl.

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