Your search returned the following results:
masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 actor, performer, doer
2 advocate
3 plaintiff
4 agent player
5 drover, herdsman
6 wielder
masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 actor, performer, doer
2 advocate
3 plaintiff
4 agent player
5 drover, herdsman
6 wielder
Locutions, idioms and examples
actor negotii (negotiorum) = superintendent, businessman || actori publico = to an agent of the public purse || actor tragicus = tragic actor || actor suorum carminum = actor who performs his own works || actor publicus = assessor || actor auctorque = executor and inspirer || actor Atellanarum = actor of Atellan (farces) || actor rerum = executor of deeds (= man of action) || actor (praediorum) = administrator, bailiff || actor pecoris = the one who pushes the flock forward (= shepherd) || actor habenae = slingman (= the person who handles the strap) || actor civitatis = person in charge of city affairs || actor (causae or causarum) = prosecutor || actores restituendae = those who acted to re-establish || actorem et carmen eiicio = to hiss the song and the singer || actorem in veris causis = a lawyer in actual cases || auctorem actoremque habeo aliquem || alienae personae actor || auctor actor illarum rerum fuit || actorem aversum solitum esse dicere = that an actor usually recited with his back towards the public || agrum actori publico mancipavi || actor qui est secundarum aut tertiarum partium = the actor who performs a secondary or tertiary role || actor moderatur et fingit mentem ac voluntates = the person who presents a proposal regulates and shapes the mind and the will (of the listener) || actoris partis chorus officiumque virile defendat = that the choir may fulfil actor's parts and claim its function || actores restituendae tribuniciae potestatis enixissime iuvit = he helped fully committed those who acted to re-establish the power of the tribunes of the plebs
actŏr masc. noun III decl.

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