anomalous transitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 to bear, to carry, to take, to fetch, to sweep, to snatch away, to off, remove, withdraw
2 to steal, obtain
anomalous transitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 to bear, to carry, to take, to fetch, to sweep, to snatch away, to off, remove, withdraw
2 to steal, obtain
Locutions, idioms and examples
coeptos auferte labores || aufero aliquid ab aliquo || aufero (ut + subjunctive) || me aufero || alicui caput aufero || clientelam a patronis aufero || aufero praemium || aliquid mordicus aufero || aufer cavillam || ab aliquo candelabrum aufero = to take away a candelabra from someone || alicui pudorem aufero || aliquid eripio aut aufero ab aliquo || aliquid aufero cum pulvisculo || aufer te domum || aufer te hinc || aufero pedem || aufero aliquem e or de convivio || aufer nugas || aufer manum || ab senatu iudicia aufero = to take judicial power from the senate || aufero testibus auctoritatem || maculas de vestibus aufero || aufer hinc palpationes || auriculam mordicus aufero || aufer abhinc lacrimas || abstulit excultas opes = took away the riches, fruit of my labor || aufer me voltu terrere || ab sociis maximam pecuniam aufero = to take away from the allies a great amount of money || a Scapulis paucos dies aufert = he obtains an extension of a few days from the Scapulas || auri quinque pondo aufero || e convivio aliquem tamquam e proelio aufero || bullas aureas ex valvis aufero || ab ubere raptos abstulit atra dies = snatched from the maternal bosom a black day took him away || sacra publica ab incendiis procul auferre || caligo oborta est, omnem prospectum abstulit || abstulit clarum cita mors Achillem = a quick death took away the illustrious Achilles || auferat omnia inrita oblivio si potest: si non silentium tegat || abstulere (= abstuterunt) me velut da spatio Graeciae res immixtae Romanis = the vicissitudes of Greece, bound with those of Rome, have led me astray so to speak || adponam hercle urnam hanc in media via ; sed autem quid si hanc hinc abstulerit quispiam?
aufĕro an. tr. v.

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