anomalous transitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [aufero]
2 to bear, to carry, to take, to fetch, to sweep, to snatch away, to off, remove, withdraw
3 to steal, obtain
anomalous transitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [aufero]
2 to bear, to carry, to take, to fetch, to sweep, to snatch away, to off, remove, withdraw
3 to steal, obtain
Locutions, idioms and examples
auferère non abibis || auferor in scopulos || auferri aurum de medio iubet || auferor ut rapida concita puppis aqua || asotos qui in mensam vomant et qui de conviviis auferantur || Armenia Euphrate amne aufertur Cappadociae || auferri a primoribus ad plebem summum imperium credebant
aufĕror an. tr. v.

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