Your search returned the following results:
transitive and intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to think
2 to consider, to reflect on, to ponder
3 to imagine, to picture
4 to intend, to look forward to
transitive and intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to think
2 to consider, to reflect on, to ponder
3 to imagine, to picture
4 to intend, to look forward to
Locutions, idioms and examples
cogitavit reges barbaros incitare || ad aliquid cogito = to think of something || amabiliter in aliquem cogito || Beneventi cogitabam || do id alicui cogitandum || cogito de lana mea || in Anagnino cogitabam || acutissime cogito = to think with the greatest perpicacity || cogitavit nos ante natura quam fecit || avocatio a cogitanda molestia || anne nec aequom anne iniquom imperet cogitabit || a vobis peto ut taciti de omnibus … cogitetis = I ask you to reflect in silence on everyone (the conspirators) || advola in Formianum, unde nos … cogitamus || Carthagini male iam diu cogitandi || Carthaginiensibus … quo modo Africam retineant cogitandum || avocatione a cogitanda molestia et revocatione ad contemplandas voluptates || appareret uter esset insidiator uter nihil cogitaret mali || Bibulus ne cogitabat quidem etiam nunc in provinciam suam accedere
cōgĭto tr. and intr. v. I conjug.

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