intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to stick, to cling, to hold, to grow together, to adhere
2 to embrace
3 to touch, to adjoin, to be in contact
4 to be consistent, to coherent
5 to be connected, to bound, to joined, to tied together
6 to be in harmony
intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to stick, to cling, to hold, to grow together, to adhere
2 to embrace
3 to touch, to adjoin, to be in contact
4 to be consistent, to coherent
5 to be connected, to bound, to joined, to tied together
6 to be in harmony
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui rei cohaere || apte cohaeret || cohaereo mihi || cohaerere cum aliqua re || alia quibus cohaerent homines || collocabuntur verba ut inter se quam aptissime cohaereant extrema cum primis || aliquid eiusmodi nulla cohaerendi natura || acies ita cohaerebant, ut armis arma pulsarent = the formations were so near that the weapons were hitting each other
cŏhaerĕo intr. v. II conjug.

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