transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to defile
2 to pollute
3 to soil, to stain, to make filthy or to unclean
4 to contaminate
5 to corrupt
6 to disgrace, to dishonour
7 to bring shame, to discredit
8 (person or reputation) to sully, to besmirch
9 to disfigure, to mar, to spoil appearance, to spoil brightness, to spoil clearness, to spoil purity of
10 to darken, to dim
11 (punishment) to make horrible, barbarous
12 (land) to mangle, to hack, to mutilate, to ravage
transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to defile
2 to pollute
3 to soil, to stain, to make filthy or to unclean
4 to contaminate
5 to corrupt
6 to disgrace, to dishonour
7 to bring shame, to discredit
8 (person or reputation) to sully, to besmirch
9 to disfigure, to mar, to spoil appearance, to spoil brightness, to spoil clearness, to spoil purity of
10 to darken, to dim
11 (punishment) to make horrible, barbarous
12 (land) to mangle, to hack, to mutilate, to ravage
Locutions, idioms and examples
assiduo noctem foedo imbre || carmine foedo splendida facta linunt
foedo tr. v. I conjug.

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