Your search returned the following results:
neutral noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 treaty, league, formal agreement between states, alliance
2 peace, amity
3 contract, compact
4 promise, undertaking
5 marriage bond
6 other sexual unions
7 (friendship, kinship, hospitality) bond or tie
8 law or limit imposed by nature or fate
neutral noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 treaty, league, formal agreement between states, alliance
2 peace, amity
3 contract, compact
4 promise, undertaking
5 marriage bond
6 other sexual unions
7 (friendship, kinship, hospitality) bond or tie
8 law or limit imposed by nature or fate
Locutions, idioms and examples
tacito foedere || ad foedera venior = I came to terms || foedus ineo || ictus foederis || foedus icio || foedus ferio || aliquid ad foederibus ascribo || ex foedere || amicitiae et foederis exsors || agri de quibus cautum est foedere || aeterna foedera imposuit || adversus condicionem foederis || ad scribendum amicitiae foedus || ad piaculum rupti foederis || vobiscum una disceptatio est, licueritne per foedus fieri || absurda res est caveri foedere, ut = it is absurd that in a treaty there is an article that … || ad foedus faciendum duces prodeunt = the chiefs come forward to enter into a pact || aliquem ad hoc incredibile sceleris foedus ascisco || artissimo se amicitiae foedere iunxissent || Ambiorigem sibi societate et foedere adiungunt || ad ius iurandum patrandum id est sanciendum foedus = to fulfil all the formalities of the oath taking, that is to ratify the pact || ubi non certo vincitur foedere lectus || ubi omne foedus humanum eiecit animo || amicitiam foedus Numidiae partem tunc ultro adventuram
foedŭs nt. noun III decl.

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