transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to set on fire
2 to set fire to, to kindle, to burn
3 to cause to flame, to cause to burn
4 to keep fire burning
5 to scorch
6 (fever or thirst) to make fiery hot
7 to light up
8 to cause to glow
9 to intensify
10 to inspire, to fire, to rouse, to excite, to inflame
11 to provoke, to incense, to aggravate
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to set on fire
2 to set fire to, to kindle, to burn
3 to cause to flame, to cause to burn
4 to keep fire burning
5 to scorch
6 (fever or thirst) to make fiery hot
7 to light up
8 to cause to glow
9 to intensify
10 to inspire, to fire, to rouse, to excite, to inflame
11 to provoke, to incense, to aggravate
Locutions, idioms and examples
annonam incendo || apparatum incendo || censum … incendit || caelum clamore incendo || aras votis incendo || aedificia vicosque incendo || clamore incendunt caelum || votis incendimus aras || apparatum et munitiones Antigoni incendit || galbaneos suadebo incendere odores || ea omnia imperator Volcano sacrata incendit || classem pulcherrimam populi Romani in litus expulsam et eiectam … inflammari incendique iussit
incendo tr. v. III conjug.

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