transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [incendo]
2 to set on fire
3 to set fire to, to kindle, to burn
4 to cause to flame, to cause to burn
5 to keep fire burning
6 to scorch
7 (fever or thirst) to make fiery hot
8 to light up
9 to cause to glow
10 to intensify
11 to inspire, to fire, to rouse, to excite, to inflame
12 to provoke, to incense, to aggravate
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [incendo]
2 to set on fire
3 to set fire to, to kindle, to burn
4 to cause to flame, to cause to burn
5 to keep fire burning
6 to scorch
7 (fever or thirst) to make fiery hot
8 to light up
9 to cause to glow
10 to intensify
11 to inspire, to fire, to rouse, to excite, to inflame
12 to provoke, to incense, to aggravate
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquando incenditur; et quidem saepe sedatur || classem inflammari incendique iussit || Sabinus … falsae stirpis gloria incendebatur
incendor tr. v. III conjug.

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