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- instructŭs (masc. noun IV decl.) substantive
- instructus (adj. perf. part. I cl.) adjective IN THIS PAGE
- instructus (adj. perf. inf.)
adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
1 perfect participle of [instruo]
2 (+ Ablative) equipped, armed, equipped, supplied, full of
3 (ad + accusative) ready, prepared to
4 (+ ablative or, ab, + ablative) educated, cultured, educated
5 military deployed, arranged in order of battle
adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
1 perfect participle of [instruo]
2 (+ Ablative) equipped, armed, equipped, supplied, full of
3 (ad + accusative) ready, prepared to
4 (+ ablative or, ab, + ablative) educated, cultured, educated
5 military deployed, arranged in order of battle
Locutions, idioms and examples
agmine instructo || armis instructus || a philosophia instructior = better versed in the field of phylosophy || acie instructa = after having lined up the troops || aciem instructam habeo = to keep the army in battle deployment || ad dicendum instructissimus a natura = naturally gifted with eloquence || a te accusatores instructos esse et subornatos = the accusers had received instructions and and were offered money by you || altero exercitu instructo paratoque || acie regione instructa non apertissuma (= apertissima) = having deployed the army, within the limits of a place not completely exposed || ad instructam per litus aciem suorum perfugere (= perfugerunt) = they found safety in the their lines, in battle order, along the shore || a viro optimo et istis rebus instructissimo = from an excellent man and well learned on this topics || ad satietatem quoque copia commeatuum instructus || a doctissimo viro instructus omni copia = being provided with all knowledge by a very learned man || acie triplici instructa ad eum locum venit = he arrived at that place with the army deployed in three lines || ubi his ordinibus exercitus instructus esset || vox toto, ut aiunt, organo instructa || absolutis operibus pro vallo legiones instructas collocat = having finished the works, he places the legions in front of the entrechment || adultis iam tribus liberis doctrina instructis et verecundia praeditis vivebat gloriosus
instructus adj. perf. part. I cl.

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