transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to construct, to build
2 to prepare, to draw up
3 to fit out
4 to instruct, to teach
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to construct, to build
2 to prepare, to draw up
3 to fit out
4 to instruct, to teach
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquem aliqua re instruo || causam instruo || insidias instruo || armis instruo || accusationem instruebant = they were putting together the elements of the prosecution || omnibus rebus instruo || eam contabulationem in parietes instruxerunt || eam contabulationem in parietes instruxerunt || classem producunt et instruunt || aciem peritissime instruxit = he set the deployment in the most cautious way || ad quem (= agrum) instruendum vires non essent || ad iudicium nondum se instruxerat = he was not quite prepared yet to face the proceedings || aequata fronte instruxit || aciem or copias instruo or struo || aciem instruo (or instituo, or constituo, or compono) = to set the army in battle deployment || adulescentes ad omne officii munus instruo || classem paro or facio or aedifico or instruo || aggerem exstruo or facio or iacio or instruo || bellum comparo or paro or instruo or apparo
instrŭo tr. v. III conjug.

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