transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [nosco]
2 to get to know
3 to learn, to find out
4 to become cognizant of, to become acquainted, to become familiar with
5 to examine, to study, to inspect
6 (case) to try
7 to recognize, to accept as valid, to accept as true
8 to recall
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [nosco]
2 to get to know
3 to learn, to find out
4 to become cognizant of, to become acquainted, to become familiar with
5 to examine, to study, to inspect
6 (case) to try
7 to recognize, to accept as valid, to accept as true
8 to recall
Locutions, idioms and examples
voce nosci || acciti (sunt) … ad res suas noscendas recipiendasque = (they were) invited to identify their belongings and take them back
noscor tr. v. III conjug.

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