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neutral noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 (tree, timber, trunk, club, post, cell) oak
2 tough core
3 resolve and purpose
4 tetanus
5 strength, firmness and solidity
6 vigour, robustness
7 potency, force, effectiveness
8 military strength, might and power
9 heart, main strength, strongest element
10 mainstay and bulwark, source of strength
11 stronghold, position of strength
neutral noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 (tree, timber, trunk, club, post, cell) oak
2 tough core
3 resolve and purpose
4 tetanus
5 strength, firmness and solidity
6 vigour, robustness
7 potency, force, effectiveness
8 military strength, might and power
9 heart, main strength, strongest element
10 mainstay and bulwark, source of strength
11 stronghold, position of strength
rōbŭs nt. noun III decl.

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