adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 of oak
2 hard, firm, solid
3 hardy, robust, durable, able to resist change
4 valiant
5 physically mature and grown up
6 mature in taste and judgement
7 strong and powerful in arms
adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 of oak
2 hard, firm, solid
3 hardy, robust, durable, able to resist change
4 valiant
5 physically mature and grown up
6 mature in taste and judgement
7 strong and powerful in arms
Locutions, idioms and examples
aetate robustior || bene robustus || compacto corpore et robusto || argillam in materiam robustiorem recorporo || aeque robusta constantis amicitiae exempla || labefacta movens robustus iugera fossor || Danaen turris aenea robustaeque fores … munierant satis nocturnis ab adulteris
rōbustus adj. I cl.

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