intransitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to rage
2 to rave, to bluster
3 to be or to act angry, to be violent, to be ferocious
4 (+ dative) to vent rage on
intransitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to rage
2 to rave, to bluster
3 to be or to act angry, to be violent, to be ferocious
4 (+ dative) to vent rage on
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui saevio || atrocius in urbe saevitum || ubi equus saevit || accipiter in omnes saevit aves = the hawk was rootless against all the birds || ait lascivire magis plebem quam saevire
saevĭo intr. v. IV conjug.

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