adjective II class
View the declension of this word
1 roused to fierceness
2 (of any vehement, passionate excitement) raging, furious, fell, savage, ferocious fierce, cruel, violent, harsh, severe, fell, dire, barbarous
adjective II class
View the declension of this word
1 roused to fierceness
2 (of any vehement, passionate excitement) raging, furious, fell, savage, ferocious fierce, cruel, violent, harsh, severe, fell, dire, barbarous
Locutions, idioms and examples
apri saevi || admodum quam saevus || amore saevo saucia || animalia saevissima dentibus || Aeneas saevus in armis || aut saevius aut lenius agendo || ad partes pertica saeva venit || asperitas odium saevaque bella movet || animam saevae fessam subducite morti || bellum gero cum tyranno, quam qui unquam, saevissimo || cincta … saevis Scylla rapax canibus Siculo latrare profundo
saevis adj. II cl.

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