neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 act, deed, transaction
2 acts, exploits
3 chronicles, (official) record
neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 act, deed, transaction
2 acts, exploits
3 chronicles, (official) record
Locutions, idioms and examples
actum est de aliquo = it's over for someone || actum est = the matter is over (= is final) || ab actis = person in charge of records (= archivist) || acta ago = to do things already done (= to strain uselessly, to waste time) || Caesaris acta || acta Herculis = Hercules' deeds || acta maiorum = the deeds of the forefathers || actum administro = to carry out the role of administrator || actum quem debuisti secutus es = you behaved as you should have || actum est de collo meo = it's over for my shoulders || acta res est or actum est = there is not remedy, it's over (= the matter became final) || acta alicuius rescindo (or dissolvo) = to annul someone's decrees || acta venenis imputat = he attributes (your) deeds to magic potions (of Medea) || acta Caesaris sancio = to ratify Caesar's acts || acta Caesaris rescindo = to annul Caesar's decrees || acta Caesaris dissolvo = to annul Caesar's decrees || acta Caesaris confirmo = to ratify Caesar's decrees || acta Claudii subverto = to subvert Claudius provisions || acta Dolabellae convello = to nullify the acts of Dolabra || acta Caesaris firma erunt = Caesar's decrees will be in force || acta est fabula || laudator temporis acti || acta … quibus … multi obtrectabant = acts that many oppose || actorum Caesaris defensor = the defender of Caesar's acts || animus cuius acta discordant || acta Caesaris confirmata sunt a senatu = Caesar's decrees were ratified by the senate || acta et imperia tua domum ad senatum suum renuntiaverunt = they send an official report to their council on your behaviour and your orders || acta Caesari servanda censeo = I think that the validity of Caesar's acts must be upheld || acta publica (or urbana, or rerum urbanarum, or absolute acta) = official registry of public acts || acta M. Antoni rescidistis; leges refixistis = you annulled the acts of M. Antonius; you have abrogated his laws || acta Caesaris quae ille in aes incidit = Caesar's deed that he had engraved on bronze || cavendum ne se senatus in acta cuiusquam obligaret || aut agitur res in scaenis aut acta refertur || acta illa res animo virili, consilio puerili = this matter was carried on with man's courage but with childish prudence || acta rata habeo (or tueor, or confirmo, or servo, or comprobo) = to confirm or ratify decrees || Dareus … statuit ipse decernere: quippe quae per duces acta erant cuncta damnabat || acta Caesaris servanda censeo, non quo probem … sed quia rationem habendam maxime arbitror pacis = I believe that Caesar's disposition must be maintained, not because I approve them, but because I think that peace must be kept in mind
actum nt. noun II decl.

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