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adjective perfect participle I class
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1 perfect participle of [ago]
2 finished, past
adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
1 perfect participle of [ago]
2 finished, past
Locutions, idioms and examples
acti || actum'st, illicet; me infelicem! = it's over, goodbye; woe is me! || actum de exercitu foret = it would be the end for the army (= it would be destroyed) || casibus actus || actum est, ilicet, peristi = it's over, enough, you are lost || actum est de isto = it's over for him || actum est de me hodie = today it's over for me || actum ago = to waste time || actum habeo = to approve || actum est de exercitu = it's over for the army || acta res est or actum est = there is not remedy, it's over (= the matter became final) || acta rem ago = it is wasted effort || ante rem acta re || acta haec res est! = it's over! || actae per glebas radices = roots that penetrate the soil || bene actum cum illo arbitror || actum de te est nisi provides = it's over for you, if you are not careful || acto raptim agmine = having the formation advance quickly || Bacchi furiis actae || actosque animis in funera reges = and the kings pushed by resentments towards death || acti in exilium et evoluti bonis = men in exile and stripped of their possessions || acta aetas honeste ac splendide = life spent with dignity in splendour || ab Albanis socordius res acta (est) = the Albanians (their ambassadors) acted with with greater slowness || acta non alio rege puertia = childhood spent under the same preceptor || bene actae vitae conscientia || actast per lacrimas nox mihi, quanta fuit = I spent the entire night in tears || actum est eo die nihil, nox diremit = we didn't settle anything that day, the night interrupted the assemblies || actum est, siquidem haec vera praedicat = it's over, at least of those things he says are true || Catonem si mare devorasset, nonne illi bene actum foret ? || certe variata memoria actae rei || dactylum retro actum appellari constat anapaeston || vulgo dicitur iucundi acti labores || canum morsu de montibus altis actus aper || circum tribus actis annis floret equus || censuerat ut praetoriani actis stipendiis ius apiscerentur in quattuordecim ordinibus sedendi || dabit enim nobis iam tacite vita acta in alterutram partem firmum et gravem testimonium
actus adj. perf. part. I cl.

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